house number 7 numerology

Numerology House Number 7: Is It A Good House For You?

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House number 7 is a good choice for any beginning. The positive energy field of this house will help you if you’re starting a new way of life or a new path.

house number 7 numerology

Numerology Calculation For House Number 7

House number 7  calculation: we add every digit and letter of the house number and reduce it to one digit.

valorical numbers for letters in numerology

  • 304=3+0+4=7
  • 88=8+8=16 =>> 1+6=7
  • 77B=7+7+2=16 =>> 1+6=7

This number has double value. Residents of house number 7 have 2 possibilities: to restrain from the world in search for spiritual growth & enlightenment OR choose this house for business and financial success (best to rent an apartment).

You can’t have both at the same time in this house.


House Number 7 – Positives

The spirit of this house welcomes all those in search of spiritual growth and perfectionists that are training themselves to teach others and show others the way.

Imprints intuitive insights, mystical and thoughtful traits upon its residents.

is house 7 good for you

House Number 7 – Negatives

The residents of number 7 tend to become solitary (opposed to house 3) and avoid participating in social life, gatherings and/or any crowd meetings where there is loud music and cheap chats.

Their friends will be few and carefully chosen and must resonate with them and their belief system. House 7 also does not like to be crowded so the occasionally guests of this house will find that they cannot spend more than 3 days in this house. On the 4th day they will start to feel uneasy and leave.

Also, the spirit of this house must be respected as it’s aligned with Divine laws & principles that the residents should not break if they want to avoid problems on all life areas.


Who Can Benefit From House 7 Energy?

As said above, those in search of divine enlightenment, spiritual development, gurus, spiritual teachers and masters, priests, religious people, introverts will be well supported from the spirit of this house.

Choosing to rent an apartment number 7 for business purposes is a good idea, provided you want to bring real value to your clients and not tend to use cheating or fraudulent methods.

house number 7 negative vibes

House 7 Warnings

House number 7 is governed by both water and air elements. Residents should pay attention and avoid incidents pertaining to those areas.

Open your windows and let fresh air into the house as often as you can. It’s best if you have birds or exotic fish in this house.


House 7 Recommendations

Tame the spirit of this house by keeping a piece of zinc in any corner of the house or a small amethyst. It’s also recommended to display an image/statue of a woman (Virgin Mary) or of Virgo astrological symbol.

Recommended colors are blue, silver and gray. Favorable days are Sunday and Monday.


Residents of house number 7 can feel lonely sometimes but that will be compensated by the richness and development of their inner world.

The rigor and power of this number (also named God’s Number) is not for everyone, just for those who are purposely searching to increase consciousness and live according to Divine Universal Principles.

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Numerology REVEALS your strengths and weaknesses. Discover WHO you really are, your HIDDEN powers & talents by calculating your psychomatrix and then interpreting it.

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