numerology house number 2

House Number 2 Numerology: (Only) For Those In Love

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If your house / apartment number it’s under Vibration 2, is a perfect house to accommodate newlyweds. Or, it’s ideal for newlyweds to occupy for just a couple of days a hotel room under Vibration 2 as a perfect good start into their new life as a loving partnership.

numerology house number 2

Numerology Calculation For House Number 2

To calculate the number (vibration) of a particular house we add all digits and letters of the house/apartment. Then we reduce the total to one digit.

Letters have also numerical values so if your house or apartment number has a letter attached to it, we have to take it into consideration.

valorical numbers for letters in numerology

  • 101=1+0+1=2
  • 281=2+8+1=11 =>> 1+1=2
  • 18B=1+8+2=11 =>>1+1=2

If you moved into House number 2 and you are in a relationship – you moved there to separate or strengthen & enhance love and harmony between you and your partner. The house’s spirit accepts only real love, real sentiments, there’s no room here for faked emotions.


House Number 2 – Positives

House number 2 is a good home, full of life, love and spirituality. This house’s vibration creates harmony between partners and infuse powerful positive energy charge into their lives IF there’s true love between them.

It also harmonizes communication and genuine support between inhabitants.

is house 2 good for you

House Number 2 – Negatives

Those living in house number 2 should take life easily and not complicate it too much. Otherwise you can accumulate complexes, anxieties and dependencies as you’ll enter in conflict with Vibration 2’s governing spirit of the house.

You’ll start feeling more and more uncomfortable in this house and feel the need to go out often and return as lately as possible. In this kind of house there are often discovered suicides either by hanging or poisoning / ingesting toxins / drugs.


Who Can Benefit From House 2 Energy?

Lovers, partners who want to start a family, real families who love each other and develop strong loving bonds between all family members. If feelings are real then house 2 will support, accept and help you live a long and happy life here.

All artistically inclined people, fashion related, beauty & harmony lovers, sculptors, painters, home designers, architects, diplomats, politicians, medical researchers and occultists can get along well with the spirit of this house.

house 2 warnings

House 2 Warnings

House number 2 is under influence of water element. Make sure all water appliances are working well and turn off and well all faucets after using them. This house is prone to flooding incidents more than others.


House 2 Recommendations

It is recommended to have and display in your apartment the image of the Moon or to have a Libra scale decorative object. A little opal / sapphire or a piece of silver in any corner of the house will tame the spirit of the house.

Decorating colors can be warm pastels like pink, orange and peach.


If your relationship is based on real, authentic love your life will be filled with bliss and you’ll enjoy living in a house number 2!

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Numerology REVEALS your strengths and weaknesses. Discover WHO you really are, your HIDDEN powers & talents by calculating your psychomatrix and then interpreting it.

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