numerology house number 1

House Number 1 Numerology: No Laziness Allowed!

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To find out the vibration of a specific house or apartment we need to add all the digits of the house number and reduce the total to a single digit number.

numerology house number 1

House Number 1 Numerology:

If you’re living at house number 1, 10, 19 or 28 – you are living in a house under Vibration 1.

  • 10=1+0=1;
  • 19=1+9=10 =>1+0=1
  • 28=2+8=10 =>1+0=1
  • 361= 3+6+1=10 =>1+0=1
  • 208=2+0+8=10 =>1+0=1

Note*: Letters also have numerical values. We are considering the letter A(=1), so if you live at 9A your house vibration will also be 1. If your house number contains the letter B(=2), then a 8B house will be also under vibration 1.

valorical numbers for letters in numerology


House Number 1 – Positives

Number 1 corresponds to the beginning and origin of Energy, the first impulse. A home under this vibration will accommodate very well a person that has leader qualities, has advance ideas and concepts and aims to open roads for others.

Your neighbors unconsciously will perceive you as a leader and will come at your door step to ask for things or advice.

is house 1 good for you

House Number 1 – Negatives

Sometimes, the inhabitant can feel lonely and detached from the rest of the world no matter how many others may be around him.

Pay attention to spiritual fire, to quarrels and tendencies to dominate discussions and always be right.


Who Can Benefit From House 1 Energy?

It’s a good home for anybody wanting to express individuality, creativity, ambition.

A good environment for cops, surgeons, military leaders, judges, business owners, inspectors, psychiatrists, writers, teachers, scientists.

In this kind of energy relaxation will only be possible on physical level, because the mind will always be busy and working. This house energy impose ongoing activity so it does not accept lazy people.

A calm, dreaming, artistic inclined individual will not feel comfortable in House 1.

numerology house number 1 warnings

House 1 Warnings

Number 1, as well as number 5 corresponds to fire element.

One should be careful with all the instruments and tools that can start a fire, the house being predisposed to this kind of incidents. It’s best to unplug all electrical appliances when living the house to avoid any trouble.

That is why this house spirit will not accept a firefighter or anyone that handles fire energy as inhabitants and will do anything to complicate their personal and professional lives.

Also don’t place your stove near the sink in the kitchen. That means fire and water standing together and they are opposites. If you have them already one near the other and cannot move one of them, place a feng shui remedy in a form of a potted / hanging plant between them.


House 1 Recommendations

It is recommended to have and expose in this house a large object (picture, statue) representing the image of the Sun or a lion. It’s even better if you can place in a corner of the house a little ruby or diamond.

It’s also favorable the presence of gold or golden objects and the colors yellow, gold and orange. The most favorable day to invite people over for a party is Sunday.



Enjoy living in house number 1 if you have one! Use its vibration so it does not use you. It can help you lead the way in all areas of life.

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Numerology REVEALS your strengths and weaknesses. Discover WHO you really are, your HIDDEN powers & talents by calculating your psychomatrix and then interpreting it.

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